Crafted For You
You are unique. Our Custom services are designed to fit your individual size and preferences.
Where you will work with our team closely to create a unique piece tailored specifically to your needs.
You're involved in the conversation, from the first sketch, fabric selection, to the finishing details.
Each is specially crafted, a piece you'll wear and cherish for years to come.
Made-to-measure allows you the flexibility of choosing your favorite SukkhaCitta piece and tailoring it to fit.
We'll start with your closest size, which will be used as the base before carrying out necessary adjustments and specific individual preferences.
The garment is then cut by hand exclusively for you. Allowing you to personalise your very own unique details.
Bespoke means full customization.
It is our most flexible option, where you are able to personalize every single detail as the piece is made for you from scratch.
You can opt for our signature designs as a base,
or design it completely from a blank canvas as your very own creative expression.
Each bespoke piece is designed by Anastasia Setiobudi, our Creative Director, at our Atelier. She carefully creates each pattern by hand, which will be used exclusively for your garment.