We want to bring the “village” closer to you. We want a warm, simple, and honest retail, because that is what SukkhaCitta (SC) is all about.
A space where you will feel welcomed. A space that is not overpowering the connection of people inside the space, and letting the true heroes shines: the #MadeRight pieces made by Ibus from the villages.
We want people to come and experience the journey, the story, and leave the store with new knowledge, understanding, and hopefully, adopt a bit of SC's missions in their day-to-day choices.

Every material that is being used in the retail store is intentional.
You won’t find any lavish and luxury material in this store, because we want to embrace the simplicity and the honesty of the fabric materials.
The hero of the materials is the fabric from the villages, and we intentionally want to put the spotlight on the fabric.

Even though this retail is a pop-up store retail, every furniture was designed and made to last longer, and serves multiple long term purposes; these are stand alone products that can be reused for future SC establishments when the pop-up retail store no longer operates.
Some of the loose furniture reuses old furniture provided by SC, and we made the conscious choice to not create new items if it is not necessary.
The decorative textiles on the ceilings, the drapes, the woven carpet all came from SC waste and/or trial fabrics back in the villages. We want to make sure these textiles have more than just one purpose, and we want to embrace the imperfection of it. We want to bring it to life (once again).

As for the partition panels, we use gypsum boards due to its versatility, and potential multipurpose use after the panels are no longer needed.
We planned and calculated every module that is being used to reduce potential waste of the gypsum board, and to also maximize potential future use after the partition panels are uninstalled.
This requires close coordination with our contractor to ensure the installation method is mindful of this goal, and they can achieve minimal waste of boards and steels as intended by our design.

Not many designers think about the end of the lifecycle of their design. Since this is a pop-up store, we know that at some point in time, the materials and structures we used in this project will no longer be needed, and eventually becomes yet another waste.
We want to be mindful of this, and to the best of our ability, design and choose the materials that we can re-use for SC's next establishment.
We simulate and design multiple scenarios to reuse and upscale the materials from this pop-up store so that post-Ashta, SC can uninstall the pop-up store, and bring all of the materials and furniture to their new establishment with confidence that most of them can be reused.
About AGo Architects
AGo Architects is an award-winning architecture firm based in Jakarta, founded by Abimantra and Gabi Osri.
We believe in architecture practices that take into account its impacts on the environment and the society it lives in.
This design-thinking ensures that architecture is not merely a physical experience,
but rather an aesthetic interpretation of harmonic relationship between human and its physical environment.
We strive to deliver architecture that is functional, sustainable, and socially-responsible
through a careful curation of its raw materials, efficient design, and inclusivity in mind.
With these guiding principles, our architecture anticipates the challenges of the future.
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