Ok, I know there is a lot going on in the world right now. But it is time for a very brief little happy dance! The reason?
Today, SukkhaCitta was named a finalist in Fast Company’s World Changing Ideas Award - the only one in Indonesia :')!!
It’s a recognition given out once a year to businesses and organizations that make the world a better place – from fighting climate change to ending social injustice and everything in between.
We’re still letting it sink in that our work is recognized in the category of Best World Changing Idea! In fact, it made me a little bit emotional. Because ultimately, that was all SukkhaCitta was back in 2016: An idea that somehow life could be better for Indonesia’s millions of craftsmen and –women. It’s all I had back then when I started this journey with only three artisans and a small bandana.
Together with you, our wonderful community around the world, SukkhaCitta has since grown to be so much more.
Together with you, we’ve started a movement to make an entire industry kinder, cleaner and more inclusive – to give a voice to women who had been invisible for so long.
So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for being with us through the ups and downs of the last (almost!) four years. Because none of what we do would happen without you.
Here's to us and all the change I can't wait to start with you <3