Very excited to see Ruth Porat, Chief of Investment from Google Alphabet Inc., wearing and representing our Ibus' work during her important visit to Indonesia!
She launched the funding that will unlock educational initiatives aimed at enhancing AI skills and improving food resilience for nearly 6 million people across Southeast Asia 🌱✨
During the announcement, she donned our ANGKASA Origin Coat, crafted by hand and dyed with plants grown in agroforestry in rural Indonesia. This initiative not only addresses pressing challenges in food security but also empowers communities with the skills needed for a brighter future.
Together, we’re building a more resilient and equitable world!
Read more: https://blog.google/intl/id-id/googleorg-mengumumkan-pendanaan-untuk-upaya-edukasi-ai-dan-ketahanan-pangan-bagi-hampir-6-juta-orang-di-asia-tenggara/